Usage ***** Command-line interface ====================== This library provides the ``create_centerlines`` command-line script for creating centerlines from a vector source file and saving them into a destination vector file. The script supports all OGR's vector file formats which enables conversion between different formats: .. code:: bash $ create_centerlines input.shp output.geojson Python ====== If you want to use the ``Centerline`` class directly, you can import it and instatiate it with geometric data (of type ``shapely.geometry.Polygon`` or ``shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon``) and the object's attributes (optional): .. code:: python >>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon >>> from centerline.geometry import Centerline >>> polygon = Polygon([[0, 0], [0, 4], [4, 4], [4, 0]]) >>> attributes = {"id": 1, "name": "polygon", "valid": True} >>> centerline = Centerline(polygon, **attributes) >>> == 1 True >>> 'polygon' >>> centerline.geometry.geoms